Installing Windows XP in Compaq Presario CQ40-116TU Notebook

After reading the comments and analyze the keyword entry to this blog from google analystic, is the way it is not yet installed Windows XP on the Compaq Presario Notebook CQ40-116TU or can not get it to install the match drivers. Here I will give step by step to make the Windows XP Installer CD that is equipped SATA drivers.

If you install Windows XP on this notebook such as installing Normal Deskstop, you will get hard drive not found information. That is caused the hard drive Compaq Presario CQ40-116TU use SATA hard disk, where the driver is not in the Windows XP CD Installer.

Some ways to install:

First: Using floppy
Copy your SATA driver into floppy, Install Windows XP, press F6 and follow the instructions.

Second: Disabling SATA in BIOS (Native Mode)
I have never tried this way, because in my Compaq Presario CQ40-116TU isn't support Native mode.

Third: Making a slipstream Windows XP CD Installer
This is the most effective and easy, if you can't use the first and second way, you must try this way. Once you are successfully in this way, it does not need to be more troublesome if you want to re-install your notebook.

Fourth: Bring to computer service
This is most easily and is not bothered, but you need to fund at least $15. Would you prefer? Try install itself, sparing $15 and added experience and knowledge or money out $15 and just use it?

Conditions that must be fulfilled before you make the Installer CD Slipstream Windows XP:

  1. Prepare a computer that use the Windows XP and CD/DVD-RW CD burn your ISO image.
  2. Blank CD.
  3. Windows XP Installer CD that will be made slipstream.
  4. Net Framework 2.0
  5. nLite
  6. AHCI SATA Driver

If all requirements are met, follow the tutorial "Panduan Membuat CD Instalasi Windows XP Kustom" if less clearly looking for a tutorial on other sites.

If you are was successful create a slipstream Windows XP installation, just install like as usual, but if your instalation fail it means that there are errors in making the Windows XP slipstreaming or if you use Windows Vista before, You must delete the partition and re-create the partition, which is used for WindowsVista is (be careful! you can lose your data if you make mistake, Make sure all important data was backups and save in the safe place).

Next let hunting Drivers are suitable for Compaq Presario Notebook CQ40-116TU. Because I forget to record the download URL so you must looking for some driver in google.

Intel chipset drivers
Download here

LAN Driver
Download here

Start from here, the size of the driver more great, i can't uploads it in my share server, so search and download your own: D

bluetooth Driver (40.2 MB download on HP's site)

WIFI Driver (7.5 MB download on HP's site)

Drivers & Applications Webcam (50.7 MB download on HP's site)

TouchPad Driver (24.8 MB download on HP's site)

Quick Launch Buttons Driver (20.6 MB download on HP's site)

Modem Driver (13.1 MB download on the download site in HP)

VGA driver (20.4 MB download at Intel's download center)
Keywords: VGA_win2k_xp14363.exe

Card Reader Driver
If after the chipset drivers installed, but the Card Reader not work, install the Vista Card Reader driver.

Audio Driver
First Download and install the Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for HD Audio (SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP33867) and IDT High Definition Audio Codec (SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP39671)
Download HDMI Audio Driver Here.

Good luck, if not successful, and damaged the hardware is not my responsibility, I have try all this driver and the result is good, only audio driver that not perfect.

Share your comments and suggestions in here, and sorry for my bad english (this is result that was translated using google translator & little editing :D)


  1. gman ada kemajuan... dipunyaku modemnya masih belum dikenali.. atau mau di instal tp warning
    dan audionya tetap harus ngisntal terus tiap kali restart :(

  2. coba di install Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for HD Audio & IDT High Definition Audio CODEC dulu, baru kemudian install driver modemnya

  3. harga compaq presario cq40-116tu brp? (new/nd) thx

  4. kalau new di jogja (el's) sekarang seharga Rp. 7.850.000,- (bonus tas) tapi kalau 2nd kurang tau

  5. Bro, waktu di nLite - integrated - driver - insert - multiple driver folder - dst...

    ada pilihan "Regular PNP driver" dan "textmode driver" itu pilih yang mana yah ?
    Kalo di textmode driver listnya banyak, juga pilh yang mana ?

    Thanks banyak atas Blog yang u buat...

  6. pilih yang textmode, trus jika ada banyak driver, pilih semua. Aku kemaren juga pake cara itu, coba cari tutorial yang agak detail

  7. Terima kasih untuk tutorial yang mendetail bahkan sampai di sediakan drivernya raden mas andy. namun ketika saya mencoba menginstall driver Sata muncul file txtsetup.oem caused an unexpected error (435221) at line 1747 in d:\xpsprtm\based\boot\setup\oemdisk.c apakah ada kemungkinan file satanya ada yang corrupt? mohon pencerahannya.

  8. itu bisa jadi salah satu kemungkinan, atau mungkin pas slipsteaming CD Windows XP ada kesalahan. coba cari tutorial yang lebih jelas tentang slipstreamin XP disini ,sini juga ada atau pilih disini :D. Kalau sudah dicoba masih seperti itu juga, download driver SATA terbaru dari intel download center extract trus ambil drivernya saja :)

  9. mas, kalo utk instal driver tidak dgn floppy disk tp dgn external hardisk bisa nggak ?

  10. nggak bisa, harus pakai floppy

  11. utk flopy disk pake yang flopy usb kan ? oke deh...trim ya atas informasinya....

  12. thx a lot for your suggestion :D

    but I still confuse how can I install LAN Driver coz' I loaded driver from your site and I couldn't see any .exe.

    anyway, I understand your English ^^

  13. You can install manually, right click LAN in device manager, and choose update driver, choose advance, choose "don't search, i will choose the driver to install" click "network adapter" and press next, klick "Have disk" locate to the driver in your hard drive. Open "Netrtlx.inf" and press OK, choose "(Mobile assist)Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC"

  14. Mas Andy...saya kmren bli yg seri CQ40-337...
    klo q install pke XP-nlite'an,langsung bisa instal ga?ktanya harus downgrade bios dlu...

    trus tak coba Instal vista,tapi kyaknya mlah mogok pas "Completing Installation"...Q udah pake 2 DVD Vista yg berbeda....Mohon bantuanya rekan2 semua...

    bisa di ym/e-mail (

  15. @hanif

    kalau mau install xp cukup bikin slipstream cd win xp sudah bisa :)
    tapi nanti masalahnya pada drivernya, situ punya driver bwat yang versi xp ga?
    kalau punya tinggal install2 aja :D
    tapi kalau ga punya harus nyari dulu, kalau dapat yang cocok & ga ada masalah ya ga perlu downgrade bios :D
    Downgrade BIOS dilakukan jika ada hardware yang ga bisa berjalan sempurna, cq40-116tu yang lagi dibahas ini contohnya :)

  16. Alhamdulillah sekali langsung sukses mas....

    tinggal nyari2 driver2 yg pas aja bwt XP,kmren udah dkasi ma tokoN,tp ga' kumplit....


  17. mas andy...akhirna nyantol juga di blog nich..coz paling rame ni blog...
    cq40 116tu ane dah versi F.11E biosnya.jadi gimana bang,pa bisa langsung lanjut instal driver2na.tanpa downgrade BIOS,detectionq pake cpu-z.semalem ga' tidur nich,demi ngejar si xp spaya mo kawin ma compaq ni...oh ya link ahci sata nya,yang buat laptop ni banyak padag kliru..serinya kadang ada yang ICH8R/HH/HO SATA AHCI,BUKAN ICHM-E/M sperti yg dmksud.
    akhirna dapet di site ini
    makasih bang andy, ni aq bru mo start ngawinin xp na....

  18. @al_am
    yups, tinggal dikawinin aja ;))
    gak perlu dongrade BIOS lagi, tinggal install driver2, link2 driver juga sudah tersedia di blog ini :)

    ditunggu hasil kawinannya :D


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