Changing your Sony Ericsson "phone name" (Model info)

Do you have Sony Ericsson Mobile phone?!
Did you know, about modding your Sony Ericsson mobile phone is easy?
We can do many things to your own SE phone, like flashing, debranding, unlocking, changing your icon, Walkman skin, upload flash menu, etc
Now we can even change the Model of the phone , from "W660i" to "SonyEreksi Made By Andy Compuhouse" or whatever you want. You just have to edit the customize_upgrade.xml as shown bellow.

Open an empty notepad or text editing software, and write this info. (click the image for more detail)
in the line 4 changes the name of the phone (replace "SonyEreksi Made By Andy Compuhouse" with whatever you want). Then save as xml file format and give the name customize_upgrade.xml

Then you must upload customize_upgrade.xml to your Sony Ericsson Phone via USB cable and using XS++ software, Put it in a path like : "tpa/preset/custom".


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