
Showing posts from August, 2008

Changing your Sony Ericsson "phone name" (Model info)

Do you have Sony Ericsson Mobile phone?! Did you know, about modding your Sony Ericsson mobile phone is easy? We can do many things to your own SE phone, like flashing, debranding, unlocking, changing your icon, Walkman skin, upload flash menu, etc Now we can even change the Model of the phone , from " W660i " to " SonyEreksi Made By Andy Compuhouse " or whatever you want. You just have to edit the customize_upgrade.xml as shown bellow. Open an empty notepad or text editing software, and write this info. (click the image for more detail) in the line 4 changes the name of the phone (replace "SonyEreksi Made By Andy Compuhouse" with whatever you want). Then save as xml file format and give the name customize_upgrade.xml Then you must upload customize_upgrade.xml to your Sony Ericsson Phone via USB cable and using XS ++ software, Put it in a path like : "tpa/preset/custom".

Industri Pengecoran Logam, Perbengkelan & Pertanian Indonesia

SAMAD POWER adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri pengecoran logam, perbengkelan dan pembuatan berbagai mesin industri, pertanian dan rumah tangga. Kami berdiri sejak tahun 1985 dan sampai sekarang masih aktif memenuhi pesanan dan kebutuhan konsumen dari berbagai pelosok tanah air. Perusahaan ini didukung oleh tenaga professional dan sudah mempunyai pengalaman. Selain itu bahan yang kami gunakan merupakan bahan yang mempunyai kualitas yang sangat baik. Jika anda berencana membuat sebuah mesin atau membeli produk dari SamadPower anda tidak salah telah mengunjungi situs SamadPower . Karena situs ini menyediakan informasi yang anda butuhkan. Jika ada pertanyaan atau informasi yang kurang jelas, anda bisa langsung menghubungi kami. Selain menjual produk SamadPower melayani pesanan dari konsumen dari berbagai pelosok tanah air. Anda tinggal menghubungi SamadPower dan memberikan keterangan beserta detil ukuran barang yang akan dibuat. Customer Service SamadPower akan seg...

Speed Up Your Computer Performance without tools

Do this task for speed up your computer performance 1. Delete Temporary Files - Internet Cache - Recycle Bin - Windows Temporary Files 2. Keep Windows up to date 3. Delete Unused Files and Programs 3. Repair Invalid Registry Entries 4. Fix Hard Drive Errors & corrupt 4. Defragment your hardisk

Penyebab Komputer Lambat & Cara Mengatasinya

Temporary Files Sebuah komputer dengan sistem operasi Windows secara normal akan membutuhkan atau membuat file-file sementara untuk aplikasi yang dijalankan. Jika file-file temporary/sementara ini tidak dihapus maka akan membuat komputer menjadi agak lambat. Berikut ini ada beberapa file temporary yang bisa dibersihkan guna mempercepat kemampuan komputer: Internet Cache Web browsers seperti Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox akan menyimpan semua informasi yang didapat ketika browsing. Biasanya file temporary ini tidak lagi dibutuhkan ketika anda selesai browsing, ada baiknya anda segera menghapusnya daripada membuat Komputer anda menjadi lambat. Cara menghapusnya buka browser yang sering anda gunakan pilih options dan hapus Semua temporary Internet cache (cookies, Download+Internet/URL history, saved form information dll.) Recycle Bin Jika anda mendelete/menghapus suatu file, Windows tidak serta merta akan menghapus secara permanen file tersebut, windows akan menyimpannya di Recycle Bin...

Rapidleech PlugMod Server List

Here the list of Rapidleech PlugMod Server You can download from this server for free...

Remote Your PC Via Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone & Bluetooth

Have you try remote your PC or Notebook appication via your Sony Ericsson Mobile phone? here the way : You must have bluetooth device connected on your PC or Notebook and Sony Ericsson Mobile phone with bluetooth device included. If your SE Mobile phone have pre installed Remote Control you just go to Sony Ericsson website to download. For the latest the Bluetooth Remote Control tool and the corresponding Developers' Guidelines, visit : Buetooth Remote Control Creator is designed to assist in creating HID (human interface devices) files for the supported Sony Ericsson phone set. It does not provide any support in terms of establishing Bluetooth networking or transferring the HID file to the phone. A phone key may have a value for a mouse movement, a mouse button click or a keyboard key (with an eventual modifier, e.g. Ctrl, Tab, Shift). Mouse actions are selected in the drop down menu, whilst the keyboard is used for key input. There are som...

Blogging via mobile phone

This is my my first post via my mobile phone email client I prefer blogging via my mobile phone (Sony Ericsson K610i) rather than via pc or notebook Via mobile phone i can save my cost for internet connection, i can post anytime, anywhere as long as i have coverage GPRS signal from my GSM Operator

Wireless Defined

Wireless has been, and will be, a part of everyday life and computing in a couple of different forms. The first is infrared or light wave communications between specific devices and a virtual port on a PC. Other implementations use radio communications from National Semiconductor’s Airport modules, which essentially create an over radio null modem extension between two PCs’ serial ports for use with programs such as pc Anywhere or LapLink, through cellular phone aware modems, to a variety of 400 MHz, 900 MHz, and 2400 MHz (2.4 GHz) radio connections. All of these have in common the benefit of not having to use a variety of different connectors, adapters, and wires, to transfer data between one device and another. [Reference] Installing, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Wireless Networks ( Jim Aspinwall )

Free Download With Rapidleech PlugMod Server

Rapid Leech is a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as The script transfers files from rapidshare (for example) via your fast servers connection speed and dumps the file on your server. The script was originally created by Vyrus who wrote the script in russian. The script then got modified by various people who then released copies, encrypted the source code and made so-called improvements. Script Information Easily transfer files from other servers to your server Requires PHP (no MySQL required) Works with: rapidshare, megaupload, MyTempDir,,, etc Loading % transfer bar displaying speed, how much downloaded & % complete Cool user interface which runs on 1 php page Proxy support Send to email support Save in x directory File manager which stores info such as date added, comments etc you can download rapidleech in For people who don't have server this is the ...